Purple KPO is an established premier healthcare KPO services provider for more than 15 years.
Start your journey with Purple KPO today.
Highly Responsive, Helpful & Flexible
“Anesco has worked with Purple KPO for over 10 Years. During that time we have found their management team to be highly responsive and helpful in designing solutions that fit our data management needs such as Coding, Demographic, and Charge entry. Their work is timely and accurate.
In addition to long-term routine data management, Purple KPO has shown the flexibility to take on short term projects in a seamless fashion, relieving the stress on our organization. We highly value our partnership with Horizon. We would be happy to recommend Purple KPO for your data management needs."
Paul Kolbert, M.D. Vice President, Managing Member at ANESCO Healthcare Performance, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Convenient, Timely, and Cost-Effective
“Our orthopedic group has utilized Purple KPO for the past several years. We have been very pleased with the turnaround time and convenience their company has provided. Any questions we have are addressed in a timely manner. Their services are cost-effective for our practice and we would recommend their company to anyone...”
Terry D. Carnes, Administrator at Huntington Beach Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Huntington Beach, CA
Confidence and Dependability
"We have worked with Purple KPO for many years and are very happy with their services. I don't worry about their services, because they always get the job done, which is probably the best testimonial I can give."
A. Navarra, Sapra & Navarra LLP, Newport Beach, CA
Reliable Service Delivery
"I am a podiatrist who has worked with Purple KPO for several years. I am very pleased with their professionalism and work. If there are any questions or problems, they always address them immediately. They always deliver their work the next day. I would highly recommend this company to anyone who wants professional and efficient work."
Dr. S. Don Kim, Long Beach, CA
"All who think cannot but see there is a sanction like that of religion which binds us in partnership in the serious work of the world.”
—Benjamin Franklin
A few of the many customers thankful for their Purple KPO partnership