A Sample of Services Illustrating Where We Can Help You
A Few Good Things To Know About Our Team
Delivering more than 3 million reports annually
Purple KPO is an established premier healthcare KPO Services provider for more than 20 years.
Start your journey with Purple KPO today.
Why Use Purple KPO ?
Concerned about Current Procedure Terminology? Is your Evaluation and Management appropriate? Are you capturing the full brevity of services provided to your patients? Simply put, is it coded correctly? Are there gaps which will trigger denials you need to manage, which frankly you don’t have the time for anyway?
Optimal and correct coding is critical to both maximizing revenue and ensuring the smoothest journey possible to payment. This is the top of the funnel. We all need to get step one right.
Let us help you? Our best-in-class certified coding team can be your experienced guides and subject matter experts.
If feels good to have a great partner. We are here.
Reach out and call to discuss how we can help.
Rest assured. We have an extremely strong focus on Quality and Compliance.
Our extensive Corporate Quality Assurance & Compliance Programs continually monitor all aspects of our service delivery to you.